IACC membership is comprised of state and federal agencies, local government associations, tribes, and nonprofit technical assistance organizations that provide technical or financial assistance to local jurisdictions.
Member Organizations:
- attend the IACC bi-monthly meetings;
- participate in technical teams throughout the year and at the annual conference to provide technical expertise to communities and municipalities in need; and
- assist with the planning and coordination of the annual conference.
- Association of Washington Cities (AWC)
- Planning Association of Washington (PAW)
- Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts (WASWD)
- Washington Public Ports Association (WPPA)
- Washington Public Utility Districts Association (WPUDA)
- Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC)
Federal Departments, Offices:
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
- U.S. Indian Health Service (IHS)
Non-Profit Organizations:
- Evergreen Rural Water of Washington (ERWOW)
- Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington (MSRC)
- Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
Washington State Departments, Offices, Boards:
- Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB)
- County Roads Administration Board (CRAB)
- Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation (DAHP)
- Department of Commerce (Commerce)
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- Growth Management Services (GMS)
- Small Communities Initiative (SCI)
- Department of Ecology (ECY)
- Department of Health (DOH)
- Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
- Office of Regulatory Innovation and Assistance (ORIA)
- Public Works Board (PWB)
- Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)
- Transportation Improvement Board (TIB)