Conference 2016

Don’t recall what session you attended? View a list of the 2016 sessions in the 2016 Conference Brochure.

The following conference presentations are available in PDF format. They will require a reader to be able to view them. A free reader is available from Adobe.


2016 CONFERENCE Session Presentations

Keynote FULL RIP 9.0 – Sandi Doughton

S2 – First Time at IACC? – David Dunn, WS Department of Ecology

S3-Disaster Planning to Protect Heritage Resources – Sandra Davis,ECO Resource Group; Science Kilner,Federal Emergency Management Agency; Carlene Anders, City of Pateros; Morgan Mak, Emergency Management Division

S4-Budgeting as a Tool for Fiscal Sustainability – Toni Nelson, Municipal Research and Services Center

S5-Infrastructure in Support of Housing – Brian Bonlender, Director, Department of Commerce; Stan Finkelstein, Public Works Board; Scott Kuhta, Tedd Kelleher, Department of Commerce; Janet Cherry, Department of Health

S6 – Not Available

S7-Infrastructure Prioritization: How do you decide?– Valerie Smith, Department of Commerce; Travis Goddard, Wade Farris, Shawn Logan, City of Othello; Kurt Holland, Varela and Associates

S8-Cultural and Environmental Multi-agency Coordination– Heather Walker, Department of Health; Janice Roderick, USDA Rural Development; Liz Ellis, Department of Ecology; Sheila Lee-Johnston, Department of Commerce

S9-WSDOT Active Transportation Programs Funding– Charlotte Claybrooke, Department of Transportation

S10-Want Project Success? Focus on Communications– Sarah Davenport-Smith, SDS Municipal Consulting

S11-Bond Basics and Emerging Bond Trends– Allan Johnson, Amber Seifer, Department of Commerce

S12-Complete Streets and Other Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Funding– Greg Armstrong, Chris Workman, Transportation Improvement Board

S13-Collaborative Planning Processes: A community/university strategy for success– Kathleen Ryan, Washington State University

S14-How to Bolster your Public Participation Efforts– RosAnna Noval and Dan Bannier, Rural Community Assistance Corporation

S15-Restoring Infrastructure, Restoring Trust– Brian A. Sayrs, Department of Health

S16-The Geographic Information System (GIS) Consortium: A New Member Program from Association of Washington Cities.– John McKenzie, Association of Washington Cities Tyler Vick, Grant Herbert, FLO Analytics

S17-Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program– CAPT Mat Martinson, P.E., LCDR James Earl, P.E., Indian Health Service

S18-Department of Commerce Energy Efficiency & Solar Grant Program– Pat Gibbon, Tom Stilz, Department of Commerce

S19-Your Local Historic Preservation Plan: Is That Really a Thing?– Katie Franks, City of Bellingham Greg Griffith, Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation

S20-Wildfires and Water Systems: Lessons from TragedyRosAnna Noval, Danielle Russell, Rural Community Assistance Corporation

S21-Managing Utility Liability Risks – A Key to a Resilient City– Roger Neal, Association of Washington Cities

S22-Department of Ecology Water Quality Grant and Loan Funding Programs Overview– Daniel Thompson, Department of Ecology

S23-Floodplains by Design; A New Approach to Floodplain Management– Scott McKinney, Department of Ecology

S24-Grant Funds for Capital Projects that Support Heritage– Janet Rogerson, Washington State Historical Society Kris Bassett, Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center

S25-Washington State Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Washington State Hazard Mitigation Grant Program– Tim Cook, Emergency Management Division

S26-Asset Management for Small Systems A short course– Karen Klocke, Department of Health Heather Cannon, Rural Community Assistance Corporation

S27 – This Presentation is Unavailable

S28-Aligning Salmon and Water Quality Funding– Michelle Wilcox, Department of Ecology Tara Galuska, Recreation and Conservation Office

S29-Community Development Block Grant Funds for Your Community– Kaaren Roe, Department of Commerce

S30-Preparing Washingtons Critical Infrastructure– Tristan Allen, Emergency Management Division

S31-USDA Rural Development Program Overview – Janice Roderick, Peter McMillin, USDA Rural Development

S32-The Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) – What does a local agency look for?– William Bullock, City of Blaine

S33-Davis Bacon: How Not to Become Bacon Bits– Cathy Brockmann, Arlene Escobar, Department of Commerce

S34-Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards– James Harksen, Department of Homeland Security

S35-Rate Methodology, Setting, and Adjustments– Dan Bannier, Stevan Palmer, Rural Community Assistance Corporation

S36-Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) Program & Projects– Janea Eddy, Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB)

S37-Risk Transfer in Engineering Contracts for Public Bodies– CAPT Mat Martinson, P.E., Indian Health Service; Steve Sperr, P.E., City of Olympia; William Bullock, P.E., City of Blaine; David Kliewer, P.E., J-U-B Engineers Inc.

S38-USDA Rural Development Community Facility Funding– Marti Canatsey, USDA Rural Development

S39 – Presentation not available.

S40-Look Upstream to Save Money and Ensure Safe Drinking Water– Cathy Kellon, Geos Institute Corina Hayes, Department of Health Joy Juelson, Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board

S41-American Iron and Steel Requirements for SRF Loans– David Dunn, Department of Ecology Janet Cherry, Department of Health

S42-Historic Preservation Toolkit– Nicholas Vann, Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Breanne Durham, Washington Trust for Historic Preservation

S43-Clean-up on Aisle 6 – Reclaiming Community Assets– Connie Rivera, Department of Commerce Deborah Burgess, Environmental Protection Agency Alan Bogner, Department of Ecology

S44-Value Planning for Better ROI– Liz Kelly, Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Jenny Bagby, Seattle Public Utilities Teresa Platin, Northwest Utility Management Services

S45-– DWSRF Funding – Karen Klocke, Department of Health

S46-How does a wastewater facility use land as the final treatment component?– Megan Rounds, Department of Ecology

S47-USDA Rural Development Program Environmental Regulations– Paul Johnson, USDA Rural Development

S48-Understanding Cultural Resource Issues– Russell Holter, Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation

S49-Evaluating Performance-Based Infrastructure Projects– Scott Boardman, West Coast Infrastructure Exchange

S50-New Developments in EPA Water Infrastructure Funding– Rick Green, Environmental Protection Agency

S51-Quality Trees, Quality CitiesBen Thompson, Linden Lampman, Department of Natural Resources

S52-Section 106 Requirement of the National Historic Preservation Act– Russell Holter, Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation

S53-Performance Based Infrastructure: Washington Case Studies and Future Applications– David Dunn, Department of Ecology Janet Cherry, Department of Health Bruce Lund, Department of Commerce

S54-Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Cultural and Environmental Reviews– Heather Walker, Department of Health

S55-USDA Rural Development Engineering and Loan Processing for water/wastewater projects– Dave Dunnell, Rick Rose, USDA Rural Development

S56-Compliance with Governor Executive Order 05-05– Russell Holter, Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation

Thanks to all of this year’s exhibitors, they make the conference possible.