What is the IACC?
The Infrastructure Assistance Coordinating Council (IACC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Washington communities and tribes identify and obtain resources they need to develop, improve, and maintain infrastructure. It consists of staff from state and federal agencies, local government associations, and nonprofit technical assistance organizations.
IACC is a unique organization that has enhanced the relationships between government agencies, tribes, and communities in Washington since 1986. Together with IACC, communities and tribes are better able to provide the infrastructure necessary to enhance, preserve, and protect Washington’s environment and quality of life. IACC is operated by four Board Officers and six Board Members.
What does the IACC do?
IACC’s purpose is to improve the delivery of infrastructure assistance, both financial and technical, to local governments and tribes in Washington State. It does this by keeping its members informed of changes in infrastructure programs or services and in providing opportunities to network and gain information:
- IACC sponsors an annual statewide conference where state and federal programs assisting local governments and tribes with infrastructure needs convene to share information about their programs with local government representatives.
- IACC provides technical assistance to communities and tribes by bringing together the appropriate funding and technical assistance representatives with community members to collaborate on specific projects.